Happy Sunday viewers.
In writing that response to my Uncle Tom, one of the reasons I actually enjoy doing it is because it is the most important question isn’t it? Not just the god question, but the question of existence and reality. One of the worst parts of secularism is that there is an inherent requirement to admit a notion that nothing is written in stone and therefore nothing is sacred. But I think the best part of humanity is the ability to hold things sacred. Not just things like art, architecture and literature, but not excluding them either. I’m talking about morals and ethics. Notions of love and even notions of hate are the whirlwind of emotions that surround those things. I for one don’t need the words of god to determine what’s legitimate morality, but I’m willing to agree with some of their ideas. The one about forgiveness is pretty groovy but there must be a limit. But where also can come to an agreement is the improbable nature of existence. Meaning, we're all lucky to be here.
But I digress. It gets me thinking about what I value. As a human my most transcendent of emotions moments come from music. A buddy of mine once wrote "music is history." Probably one of the reasons I hold music so sacred is because I myself am unable to make music. Not without trying, but nonetheless I don't have it in me. But I sure do love it.
So I decided to make a mix of songs that better demonstrate my more than irritated views on religion but also invoke the same kind of awe and humility that I feel their gods should better represent. Track list after jump, comment for link.
Anyway, it's Sunday. Which in my house hold means Meet the Press, laundry, cleaning, Brooklyn Bagel. Those being the typical rituals being the only share day off that Sarah and I share. But today is Hockey Day and NBC is showing hockey all day. Got to see my girlfriend team The Capitals win in a squeak.
Also Meet the Press quoted the New York Times in asking: Is Wisconsin the Tunisia of collective bargaining agreements?
So for tonight, Sarah and I decided to give Veronica Mars a shot on Netflix. So far 4 episodes in season one, I'm getting less and less impressed. More mystery solving stuff and less whiney teenage relationship crap. Before that we watched Winters Bone. Not bad, but I get the sense from the surreal atmosphere and the disappointing climax probably translated better in the book (which I don't know because I haven't read), but I liked it more than Sarah did. But it's about bedtime. I've got a very busy day tomorrow with a 6am call. Yo-ho, yo-ho, a PA's life for me.
1. Rwake - Intro track to Voices of Omens
2. O Magnum Mysterium
3. James Carter and the Prisoners - Po' Lazarus
4. Rabbia E Tarantella
5. Sleep - Holy Mountain
6. Alice in Chains - Get Born Again
7. Dead Kennedys - Moral Majority
8. Alabama Thunderpussy - Twilight Arrival
9. Dalek - Opiate for the Masses
10. Final Fantasy - The CN Tower Belongs to the Dead
11. Johnny Cash - Man in Black
12. Flood - Water
13. Neurosis - Prayer
14. Om - Pilgrimage
15. Radiohead - Paranoid Android
16. Sparklehorse - Its a Wonderful Life
17. Star Fucking Hipsters - Death or Fight
18. Temple of the Dog - Hunger Strike
19. Ufomammut - Eve pt. V
20. Tarentel - For Carl Sagan
21. Pink Mountaintops - While we were dreaming
22. The Arcade Fire - Intervention
23. Slim Cessna's Auto Club - In My Arms Once Again
24. Iron and Wine - The Trapeze Swinger
Command Image: Early Morning Arrival Command
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